In the kids’ room upstairs, we have a closet full of toys. When the grandchildren come to visit, they spend a lot of time up there playing! In fact, I’ll go up to the toys now, and we’ll “visit” them while we’re Face Timing, and they become so happy! I could show you which toys kids play with and which ones they neglect if you were here. So, while you’re going through Amazon or another best place to shop for baby items, how do you determine which toys to buy? I’ve spent more than 30 years playing with newborns and toddlers, and I know what works for most of them.

Most youngsters aren’t picky, but parents should be when it comes to infant and children’s toys. Play is so crucial in children’s social, mental, physical, and emotional development. Toys should be seen as developmental learning instruments. Keep the following in mind while selecting age-appropriate baby toys or children’s toys for a young child:

Choosing The Best Toys for Your Child

What can you do if you’re not sure what they’ll like? How long are they going to play with it? What are you going to do with that toy? Is it secure? What role will it play in promoting learning and development? Is it going to drive you insane in the long run? Is it battery-operated? That’s a more revealing question.

Buy an open-ended toy that will engage your kid across many developmental stages, rather than a close-ended play with just one function. This isn’t necessarily a negative thing; it’s simply that they’ll lose interest in it after a time. Just put it away for a few weeks and bring it back out – it will be as good as new!

Characteristics Of Excellent Baby and Toddler Toys

  • They’re safe — no little pieces that might cause choking, simple to clean or wash, and no sharp edges, points, or sections that could pinch or trap young fingers.
  • They encourage active participation and play.
  • They may be used in a variety of ways. A ball may be used for many things, including tracking, rolling, throwing, pursuing, concealing, kicking, batting at, and catching.
  • They pique interest by posing a simple problem to solve.
  • They aren’t aggravating in any way. Toddlers need the accomplishment to establish their sense of autonomy. Because there are three chances for success plus one challenge, a shape sorter with four basic shapes (square, circle, triangle, and star) works. A shape sorter with 12 distinct geometric forms is likely too hard for younger children and would be annoying (but great for older ones).


Finally, I’d want to remind you of something. Spend time with your child on the floor. For them, your presence implies security and safety. Simply observing will teach a lot. It’s also calming for you!

Raising children today has some new difficulties, and I’m here to help you add connection, belonging, and purpose to your parenting checklist. Give your kid the gift of being recognized by the people they’re designed to love and connect with.

Baby Travel Time will keep you updated!


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