When it comes to the Guadalupe Nipomo Dunes State Park, it has remote dunes with complex. Also, it has a rarely visited beach that’s nearby the Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes National Wildlife Refuge. Moreover, it has access to a 1.8-mile long widen coastline in its south.
It has gone through an elongated beach walk from Oso Flaco Lake Natural Area and Rancho Guadalupe Dunes County Park. These two are from respectively the left and right sides. This refuge has made in 2000 aiming to defend the habitats of the dunes from wild animals.
These include the least terns, brown pelicans, peregrine falcons, snowy plovers, and frogs breeds and salamanders. Moreover, the refuge has protected more than 18 different types of species of rare plants. You’ll find a Dune Center that has exhibits, maps, and more inquired information to access to the sanctuary.
About Guadalupe Nipomo Dunes
The Guadalupe Nipomo Dunes cover a large area of the coastline of California’s Central Coast. The dunes extend to the northern side of Santa Barbara County from the southern side of the San Luis Obispo County.
Some threatened and endangered species of animals and plants as the dunes are the safe house of some exclusive ecosystem. There is the Complex that has set for protecting the environment of the dunes.
Some states, federal, private companies, local agencies, individuals, and organizations are the owners of the dunes are a. these include California State Parks, San Luis Obispo, and Santa Barbara, the Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo County, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Oso Flaco Hike
The hike located 3-mile north of the dune that’s from the Highway 1 that proceeds 3-mile ahead of the parking lot. The California Department of Parks and Recreation owns and manages the park. If you like to go on the part, then you’ll have to pay a specific charge. There are two systems to pay.
One is the direction to the part attendants. Two, if they’re not available you can use the self-pay option that’s at the entrance of the park. When you have paid for the entry of the park, you can go hiking one mile west to the Oso Flaco Lake. Then there is the beach boardwalk and you also can proceed quarter-mile south to its Creek.
Moreover, you can proceed one-mile south of the beach to the northern Refuge boundary if you can cross the water body safely. If you go for a round trip of the hike, it’ll be a trip of 4.5 miles. Thus you can reach and return from the refuge along the parking lot.
Rancho Guadalupe Hike
While looking to go this hike, you’ll have to go to Guadalupe’s south end. You need to drive just 2.8 miles to reach the parking lot of Rancho Guadalupe Dunes Preserve. As there is a voluntary donation for access to the park, you’ll find it at the entrance gate.
Hike north to the beach just about a half-mile to the Santa Maria River from the parking area. This area is also suitable for hiking when you like to do.